Advanced Digital Photography
- Grades 10, 11 & 12
- Year Course (SSFHS only)
- Meets district fine arts graduation requirements
- Fulfills “f” of UC/CSU A-G admission requirements
Prerequisite: Photography 1
Advanced Digital Photography is a one-year course for students interested in hands-on photography using digital cameras and computers. Students will build on the elements of art and principles of design learning in Photography 1. This course will familiarize students with digital photography equipment-including DSLRs, materials, and methods through theory and hands-on practice. Students will learn the principles of photography, studying an emulating a variety of photographic styles. Students will create a digital portfolio of original compositions. Students will develop the abilities to aesthetically value in critiques of their own work and that of their classmates. Students will learn workflow, from assignment through post-production, using Photoshop and Lightroom.