Board Meetings Files (2019-2022)
- 860553626052787340
- 1664685359849791564
- 73281104976080973261565643984193
- 6205650802063161046
- 3814259393381903109
- 513910391986914998
- 8317184669458845534
- 2411679558399544598
- 3557594498211334366
- 6903389739556233017
- 4170773139915474414
- 7514851534374867890
- 4876866036259668937
- 4851775529663204829
- 581361217619543814
- 8538708946359452706
- 6028314618247954731
- 1679383505066720266
- 5975702890279394556
- 8775013981557525164
- 1703387739433855047
- 53856406791185102891569603651516
- 6130739883205706469
- 8576912868614552828
- 8401323227817566002
- 8349096160397255901
- 106150240538745682
- 9160690750342050693
- 1311119641736459248
- 4942323810139715001
- 88372909792667911
- 7443803372500279597
- 5376079109444330131
- 3753827081690478840
- 3030223263487400366
- 3478560176374962534
- 8408187119179927918
- 443885348473812223
- 5279902758637166401
- 5075764389106231795
- 3417040950797477370
- 4030950299797807249
- 2130528495777719400
- 2718920963259218420
- 3508070933341140109
- 3299327899934264642
- 4964751204365050573
- 6121600118224452832
- 2371074668898937105
- 1351204787505142672
- 6410071626294254469
- 9207100942270283297
- 6241316714499692902
- 1232351663817623639
- 3081550310435840346
- 3322440332732601585
- 1340814920144483393
- 8172762564489884384
- 8980954469467358565
- 7196145440711753920
- 5798069193073366043
- 1515127427025769028
- 3084860975213025555
- 6786495622638597400
- 7256731219875920499
- 8861926439725332252
- 4687184683929440737
- 6650792004273890298
- 6106519109689329025
- 7330314331731084813
- 8514419785421201820
- 4407947748637160204
- 7502544836828332929
- 7571203529192766243
- 2682908933071870718
- 9159466522282936965
- 6408343912982381779
- 2672080980853284405
- 3877603758301471579
- 7304793370499700979
- 6419081682127239140
- 6968737276714440854
- 7910299322302520964
- 5609565752491228034
- 5675053881218131745
- 5088389760664599582
- 8720344807054531610
- 2695817270150131578
- 4119716825028916522
- 5540327681742419394
- 3569490756882538225
- 8188153422010339593
- 3555378559178153871
- 3715758267597169133
- 477161489375389782
- 6605976550008292471
- 4489074975562260351
- 962060960380660536
- 7172946788472257105
- 7-1-21 minutes
- 7-1-21 agenda
- 7-15-21 agenda
- 7-15-21 public comments
- City of SSF Proposal to Rename CLC
- Paper Education Company presentation
- 7-15-21 minutes
- 7-26-21 agenda
- 8-4-21 agenda
- 8-4-21 public comments
- 8-4-21 minutes
- 8-12-21 agenda
- 8-12-21 public comments
- 8-12-21 minutes
- Return to In-Person Re-engagement presentation
- Summer School report
- 9-9-21 agenda
- 9-9-21 minutes
- 9-9-21 public comments
- Spruce Elementary presentation
- 9-23-21 agenda
- 9-23-21 public comments
- Martin Elementary presentation
- 2020-21 Unaudited Actuals
- 2020-21 Unaudited Actuals report
- 7-2-20 agenda
- 7-2-20 minutes
- 7-7-20 agenda
- 7-11-20 agenda
- 7-11-20 minutes
- 7-16-20 agenda
- 7-16-20 minutes
- 7-16-20 public comments 1
- 7-16-20 public comments 2
- Reopening of Schools presentation Spanish
- Reopening of Schools presentation
- SSFUSD-SSFPD presentation
- SSFUSD COVID-19 Budget presentation
- 7-25-20 agenda
- 7-25-20 minutes
- 7-25-20 public comments
- 7-27-20 agenda
- 7-27-20 minutes
- 7-27-20 public comments
- SSFUSD-SSFPD presentation 7-27-20
- SSFUSD COVID-19 Budget presentation 7-27-20
- 8-7-20 agenda
- 8-7-20 minutes
- 8-7-20 public comments
- 8-13-20 agenda
- 8-13-20 minutes
- 8-13-20 public comments
- 2020 Summer School Programs
- 9-10-20 agenda
- 9-10-20 minutes
- 9-10-20 public comments
- 2019-20 Unaudited Actuals presentation
- 2019-20 Unaudited Actuals report
- 2020-21 LCAP
- 9-24-20 agenda
- 9-24-20 minutes
- 9-24-20 public comments
- 9-28-20 agenda
- 9-28-20 minutes
- 9-28-20 public comments
- Superintendent Evaluation Materials
- 10-8-20 agenda
- 10-8-20 minutes
- 10-8-20 public comments
- 10-8-20 Community Forum
- 10-14-20 agenda
- 10-14-20 minutes
- 10-14-20 public comments
- 10-22-20 agenda
- 10-22-20 minutes
- 10-22-20 public comments
- Alta Loma Middle School presentation
- English Learners Performance Management presentation
- AB 2121 Graduation Options presentation
- Return to In-Person Learning presentation
- 2020 Safe Schools presentation
- 11-12-20 agenda
- 11-12-20 minutes
- 11-12-20 public comments
- Buri Buri Elementary presentation
- Nutrition Services presentation
- 11-18-20 agenda
- 11-18-20 minutes
- 11-18-20 public comments
- 11-30-20 agenda
- 11-30-20 minutes
- 11-30-20 public comments
- Reopening of Schools presentation 11-30-20
- 12-10-20 agenda
- 12-10-20 minutes
- 12-10-20 public comments
- El Camino High presentation
- South City High presentation
- Reopening of Schools presentation 12-10-20
- First Interim Budget presentation
- First Interim Budget report
- 12-14-20 agenda
- 12-14-20 minutes
- 12-15-20 agenda
- 12-15-20 minutes
- SSFUSD Governance Workshop materials
- SSFUSD Board Bylaw Organization
- 12-16-20 agenda
- 12-16-20 minutes
- 1-14-21 agenda
- 1-14-21 minutes
- 1-14-21 public comments
- Parkway Heights Middle School presentation
- Special Education presentation
- 2019-20 Audited Actuals report
- Measure J Bond Audit report
- 1-21-21 agenda
- 1-21-21 minutes
- 1-21-21 public comments
- Change SSF presentation
- Thought Exchange Findings presentation
- Student Focus Group Findings presentation
- 1-28-21 agenda
- 1-28-21 minutes
- 1-28-21 public comments
- 2-11-21 agenda
- 2-11-21 minutes
- 2-11-21 public comments
- Skyline Elementary presentation
- Junipero Serra Elementary presentation
- 2-25-21 agenda
- 2-25-21 minutes
- 2-25-21 public comments
- Ponderosa Elementary presentation
- CTE presentation
- 3-1-21 agenda
- 3-1-21 minutes
- 3-1-21 public comments
- SSFUSD-SSFPD presentation 3-1-21
- 3-11-21 agenda
- 3-11-21 minutes
- 3-11-21 public comments
- Martin Elementary presentation 3-11-21
- Spruce Elementary presentation 3-11-21
- 2020-21 Second Interim presentation
- 2020-21 Second Interim report
- 3-17-21 agenda
- 3-17-21 minutes
- 3-17-21 public comments
- 3-18-21 agenda
- 3-18-21 minutes
- 3-18-21 public comments
- 3-22-21 agenda
- 3-22-21 minutes
- Equity in Governance presentation
- 3-25-21 agenda
- 3-25-21 minutes
- 3-25-21 public comments
- Los Cerritos Elementary presentation
- 3-26-21 agenda
- 4-15-21 agenda
- 4-15-21 minutes
- 4-15-21 public comments
- Sunshine Gardens Elementary presentation
- Educational Technology and Data Governance presentation
- 4-26-21 agenda
- 4-26-21 minutes
- 4-29-21 agenda
- 4-29-21 minutes
- 4-29-21 public comments
- Monte Verde Elementary presentation
- 5-13-21 agenda
- 5-13-21 minutes
- 5-13-21 public comments
- Westborough Middle School presentation
- 5-27-21 agenda
- 5-27-21 minutes
- 5-27-21 public comments
- Baden High and SSF Adult Education presentation
- Return to In-Person Learning presentation 5-27-21
- Certificated Salary Analysis 5-27-21
- 5-29-21 agenda
- 5-29-21 minutes
- 5-29-21 public comments
- SSFUSD Priorities presentation
- 6-2-21 agenda
- 6-2-21 minutes
- 6-2-21 public comments
- 6-5-21 agenda
- 6-5-21 minutes
- 6-5-21 public comments
- 6-8-21 agenda
- 6-10-21 agenda
- 6-10-21 minutes
- 6-10-21 public comments
- Youth Services Bureau presentation
- 2021-22 LCAP
- 2021-22 Preliminary Budget presentation
- 6-12-21 agenda
- 6-12-21 minutes
- 6-12-21 public comments
- 6-24-21 agenda
- 6-24-21 minutes
- 6-24-21 public comments
- 2021-22 Budget Proposal presentation
- 2021-22 Budget report
- 10-7-21 agenda
- 10-7-21 public comments
- SSFHS presentation
- 10-7-21 minutes
- 10-12-21 agenda
- Nutrition Services presentation
- SSFUSD Vaccinations presentation
- 10-12-21 minutes
- 10-21-21 agenda
- 10-21-21 minutes
- 10-21-21 public comments
- 11-10-21 agenda
- 11-10-21 minutes
- Effective Governance with an Equity Lens 11-10-21
- 11-18-21 agenda
- 11-18-21 minutes
- 11-18-21 public comments
- Los Cerritos Elementary presentation
- General Obligation Bond Refunding presentation
- Safe Schools Planning Update
- 12-9-21 agenda
- 12-9-21 minutes
- 12-9-21 public comments
- Ponderosa Elementary presentation
- Child Development Program presentation
- CTE presentation
- First Interim Budget presentation
- First Interim Budget report
- 12-13-21 minutes
- 12-13-21 public comments
- 12-13-21 agenda
- 12-15-21 agenda
- 12-15-21 minutes
- Universal TK presentation 12-15-21
- 1-5-22 agenda
- 1-5-22 minutes
- 1-5-22 public comments
- Effective Governance with an Equity Lens 1-5-22
- 1-13-22 agenda
- 1-13-22 minutes
- 1-13-22 public comments
- Monte Verde Elementary presentation
- Special Education presentation
- SSFUSD 2020-21 audited actuals
- Measure J Bond Audit report
- 1-28-22 agenda
- 1-28-22 minutes
- 2-10-22 agenda
- 2-10-22 minutes
- 2-10-22 public comments
- El Camino High presentation
- English Learners Performance Management presentation
- 2-24-22 agenda
- 2-24-22 minutes
- Westborough Middle School presentation
- SSFUSD 2021-22 LCAP mid-year update
- 3-3-22 agenda
- 3-10-22 agenda
- 3-10-22 minutes
- 3-10-22 public comments
- Buri Buri Elementary presentation
- A-G Completion Improvement Grant presentation
- Masking in California and SSFUSD presentation 3-10-22
- 2021-22 Second Interim Budget presentation
- 2021-22 Second Interim Budget report
- 3-16-22 minutes
- 3-16-22 public comments
- Governance Core presentation 3-16-22
- 3-21-22 agenda
- 3-21-22 minutes
- Budget and District Priorities presentation 3-21-22
- 3-24-22 agenda
- 3-24-22 minutes
- 3-24-22 public comments
- 3-24-22 agenda
- 3-24-22 minutes
- 3-24-22 public comments
- Alta Loma Middle School presentation
- Universal TK presentation 3-24-22
- Isom Advisors Voter Survey Results presentation 3-24-22
- 4-14-22 agenda
- 4-14-22 minutes
- 4-14-22 public comments
- Sunshine Gardens Elementary presentation
- College and Career Readiness presentation
- Masking in California and SSFUSD presentation 4-14-22
- 4-28-22 agenda
- 4-28-22 minutes
- Parkway Heights Middle School presentation
- Isom Advisors General Obligation Bond Financial Analysis presentation 4-28-22
- 5-12-22 agenda
- 5-12-22 public comments
- 5-12-22 minutes
- Junipero Serra Elementary presentation
- Skyline Elementary presentation
- 5-18-22 agenda
- 5-18-22 public comments
- Educational Equity in SSFUSD presentation 5-18-22
- 5-26-22 agenda
- 5-26-22 public comments
- Alternative Education presentation
- ELA and Math Scope and Sequence presentation
- 6-9-22 agenda
- 6-9-22 public comments
- City of SSF Child Care Master Plan 2022
- SSFUSD 2022-23 LCAP presentation 6-9-22
- SSFUSD 2022-23 LCAP
- SSFUSD 2022-23 Preliminary Budget presentation 6-9-22
- 6-13-22 agenda
- 6-9-22 Board Minutes
- Minutes for 7-26-21 City liaison sub-committee meeting
- 9-23-21 Board Minutes
- 6-9-22 Board Minutes
- 6-13-22 Special Board Meeting Minutes
- Facilities Update
- Facilities Master Plan
- Daybreak
- 2022-23 Proposed Budget Presentation
- 2022-23 Adopted Budget - SACS
- SSFUSD 22-23 LCAP - 6.16.22
- 6-23-22 Board meeting public comments
- 7-14-22 Special Board meeting agenda packet
- 7-14-22 Board Agenda packet
- IT Department Presentation
- 03.03.2022 School Distict Liaison SC Minutes
May 2024 City Subcommittee
8-15-24 Board Meeting
9-3-24 City & Sub-committee Meeting
9-12-24 Bylaws Committee Meeting
9-26-24 Board Meeting
- Agenda_Packet_COMPLETE_9-26-24
- WMS_Teaching_ Learning_Presentation_9-26-24
- Middle College SSFUSD Presentation - 9.26.24
- SSFEdFdn Presentation to SSFUSD School Board Sep 26 2024
- Agenda_Packet_COMPLETE_9-26-24
- Pledge_WMS_9-26-24
- Volunteers_WMS_9-26-24
- Public_Comments_9-26-24
- Minutes_9-26-24_Board_Meeting_FINAL
10-17-24 Special Meeting/ Bylaws Committee
12-18-24 Reorganization Meeting
01-23-25 Board Meeting
- Presentation_Los Cerritos Teaching and Learning Presentation - 1.23.25-rev-
- Presentation_Children's Center January 23, 2025
- Final Audit Report_SSFUSD 2024
- Measure J 2024 SSFUSD Final Audit Report
- Measure T 2024 SSFUSD Final Audit Report
- Presentation_Engie's Energy Program Savings
- Prelim Agenda with Supporting Docs 1.23.25
- Prelim Agenda with Supporting Docs 1.23.25 w/ GLAD update
- Public_Comments_Board Meeting 01_23_2025
01-24-25 Special Meeting/ Bylaws Committee