Los Cerritos Elementary School students
Career Technical Education (CTE) » Work-Based Learning » Career Technical Work Experience

Career Technical Work Experience

  • Grades 11 & 12
  • Semester Course
  • Fulfills SSFUSD graduation requirement only
Prerequisite: Approval of Work Experience Coordinator.
Career Technical Work Experience is for students who are working in a specific job placement pathway or internship. The course is an opportunity for the student to gain valuable paid work experience in their pathway field, while earning academic credit in high school. To be eligible, students must be in their junior or senior year and at least 16-years-old. Students can earn five or 10 credits based on number of hours employed, completion of work-related instruction, presentation of weekly time cards, and attendance at weekly student-teacher meetings. This course can apply to any CTE pathway depending on the placement and location. MBRFC