Los Cerritos Elementary School students
Departments » Special Projects » EL Master Plan

EL Master Plan

Guiding Principles and Goals for Educating English Learners

The South San Francisco Unified School District (SSFUSD) Master Plan for Services to English Learners serves as an operational guide for all district personnel as we seek to implement outstanding programs for all of our students. Several guiding principles for English Learner Instruction guide the work and approach toward meeting the needs of ELs. These key principles are founded on our dual obligation of helping identified English learners to gain proficiency in English while also providing them with access to our adopted academic State Standards.
The master plan describes how we identify, serve and support thousands of students who initially enroll in SSFUSD schools with limited proficiency in the English language. The plan sets forth five goals for this work:
  1. English Learner programs will be fully implemented.
  2. Parents of both active English Learners and Reclassified Fluent English Proficient Students (RFEPs) will participate meaningfully in their children’s education.
  3. English Learners will master the English language as efficiently and effectively as
  4. English Learners will achieve academic success comparable to English Only (EO) students.
  5. English Learners and RFEP students will be at no greater risk for school failure than EO students.
Staff should frequently consult this plan to ensure consistency in the delivery of the highest quality of services to English Learners and their families. The plan is published simultaneously in hard copy and on the district website and will be translated into all appropriate languages.